With Love from Indonesia to the World

SunTzu, Bhagavad Gita and Ancestor’s Wisdom

Sun Tzu represents such human primordial, it is applicable for fight or flight law, fight out as a winner, or run away from a battlefield to save oneself . With this basic concept, He composed art of war to attain a victory. Nowadays, many people enthusiastically apply it in business.

On the other hand, our ancestors have guidance that “Sopo sing nandur bakal ngundhuh”, Whoever plants seeds will reap the fruit plants. For anyone who sees only physical outer, allowed all manner to attain success is a kind action guided by Sun Tzu. Fortunately, our ancestors have term “panen wohing panggawe”, reaping action fruit plant is a consequence result. All process will also be seed plants and will gain fruits in the future. A Gimmick action may comes successly in a relatively short time. But, gimmick process will give aloof consequences on a long term. Human necessary alerts his thoughts, words and deeds so that they will not dissapointed facing his reaping time. Therefore our ancestors wisdom is too close with Sri Krishna’s wisdom in Bhagavad Gita. All thoughts, words and deeds are seeds that will result fruits later.

For Sun Tzu, a victory must be a principal aim. Winning a battle concerns a discipline of no retreat. Management taken is based on objective target. It is important to win allowing all manner. Sun Tzu wisdom is clear, for him a war is based on gimmick. His follower will not angry when his child cheats in exam. That is his skill. He will angry if his child is found out by his teacher, it shows a careless action. The question is, “Is this matter suits for Archipelago’s culture value?”

In Bhagavad Gita, Sri Krishna’s policy is more focused in process, in thoughts, words and deeds, not in result. Management is based on process. If all process done properly, the following proper consequences will happen. Doing cheklists of proper process resulting proper consequences. In human life, it is important to realize every process i.e. thoughts, words and deeds been done. The result will come to human as consequences of his done action. Archipelago’s culture is more harmonious with Sri Krishna’s wisdom. Bhagavad Gita said in Chapter 16 Text 7, 8 and 9 as follows: Those of demonic nature do not know how to act and how not to act. Neither cleanliness, nor good behaviour, nor truth is found in them. They describe the world to be an illusion, without foundation, without God, brought about by a materialistic union caused by desire for sense gratification. Following such misconception these lost soul of inadequate understanding engage in unbeneficial, horrifying activities that is desructive to the world.

Our ancestor has slogan, “Sepi ing Pamrih, Rame ing Gawe”, does not think end result but active work hard as devotion. In Baghavad Gita Chapter 3 Text 9: Except as sacrifice, every kind of action done in this world is binding. Hence perform action like it were a sacrifice that you are doing on the name of God. Do it without any attachment, o son of Kunti.

His Exellency Sri Mangkunegara IV submits some devotings stages in spiritual life. First body curtsy sacrification. Human uses this body as devotion. In this case belong to work by using body as devotion. Second creating sacrified curtsy. Thinking as devotion, controlling desires so that he can think soundly. Third soul sacrified curtsy. Always aware, remember and carefully observe. Actually all universe is overwhelmed by God. Only His Existance, nothing else. Fourth inner heart sacrified curtsy. Curtseying done by who has attain pure awareness, achieve enlightenment exceeding body layer, energy layer, mental emotional layer, and intelegent layer.

In Bhagavad Gita, Sri Krishna also give explanation about Karma Yoga, Gyana Yoga, and Bhakti Yoga.

There are many path choices, among them are Sun Tzu, Sri Krishna, Ancestor’s path and others. All flows into increasing awareness. In the end human necessary return tp his spirit. Who am I? Universe is overwhelmed by Him, nothing else but Him.


Juli 2008.

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