Berbagai perbedaan suku, budaya agama, bangsa, status sosial, ekonomi, ras, dan gender dalam kehidupan manusia pada saat ini hendaknya tidak menjadi pemicu konflik, melainkan harus dianggap sebagai rahmat, sebagai keindahan yang akan menyalakan semangat perdamaian dan persatuan guna mewujudkan dunia yang lebih baik bagi generasi mendatang. Itulah salah satu misi dari adanya media alternatif ini.
Declared on the 23rd of January 2007, the Movement for Alternative Media was inspired and encouraged by the proceedings of The Global Forum of Peace Conference held in Bali from 21st to 23rd January 2007, under the auspices of UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization), and the Government of Indonesia. The Movement is accommodated in the following website (, and will attend to what is “in the interest of people”, as opposed to “what interests people”. (Scanned declaration is attached).

Opened with a keynote address from Dr. Karan Singh (member of India parliament, Chair of the Temple of Understanding, India Chapter – keynote speech is attached), the Bali Global Forum acknowledged the importance of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in various formats, ranging from radio, TV, internet, newsprint, documentaries, movies, participatory theaters and role-play, etc. However, it is a fact that peace-promoting news stories (including those that reveal negative facts with the intention to resolve the conflicts for peace) are often censored and opted out in favor of more dramatic news. The Anand Ashram Foundation has felt compelled to accommodate such information, and make to it public…again, in the spirit of peace and conflict resolution which promotes world peace. Hence, the birth of the Movement for Alternative Media (from here forward will be referred to as “the Movement).
Although the Movement was declared and made public in front of the Forum dignitaries and participants on the 23rd of January 2007, lobbies to convey the aim of the Movement were already formed on the previous day. As the result, we have gathered several supporters, some of them are friends from the international media, and from the NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations). (The signed supports are in the attached declaration).
Coincidentally, by the end of the meeting, the Forum also announced in the “Spirit of Bali”, that aims (quoted per the declaration text) to: ‘declare our commitment to continue to build mechanisms through which media and information technology can contribute to enhance mutual understanding, further dialogue among peoples and cultures and build peace’. The Spirit of Bali also states that:
Mutual understanding can only be achieved through a continuous exchange of information and knowledge – through the “free flow of ideas by word and image”, as UNESCO’s Constitution puts it. Indeed, this free flow of information is the basis of mutual understanding, which in turn is a sine qua non for eradicating misconceptions about the “other” – one of the root causes of conflict and wars.
It is an elating fact to find that the Anand Ashram is indeed in line with the Global Forum resolution to promote peace and understanding. In accordance, the Movement for Alternative Media, whose website is:, will accommodate such ideas that will promote a better mutual understanding towards peace. This website also accommodates news that promotes peace, or attends to resolve conflicts for peace. In addition, news will also be accepted which portrays negative facts that would (or you could use the word “might”) hamper peace, as long as the article aims to find solutions to end tensions, as well as to promote mutual understanding and peace. In Indonesia, such news is hardly considered to be “news-worthy”, or rather, “profitable”; and, hence, these news events do not find room in the mainstream media. This website,, aims to house such news and information, again in the spirit of promoting mutual understanding, finding better solutions, and creating peace.
Our website,, was inspired by her sister website,, which is an in-depth analysis site written by Anand Krishna, humanist and interfaith spiritualist who founded the Anand Ashram Foundation ( As of 15 December 2007 (this date needs to be corrected…either it is 15 December 2006, or 15 January 2007), the Anand Ashram Foundation was officially affiliated with the United Nations through its Department of Public Information. As such, the Anand Ashram became the 6th initiative in Indonesia that is now affiliated with the United Nations, and is also the first Indonesian-based spiritual organization that also works to promote peace and security. It is hoped that the Movement for Alternative Media, whose website is (, will contribute towards a better mutual understanding, a celebration of the diversity in Indonesia, and, as well, to help promote international peace. Anand Ashram would also like to thank our domestic and international friends who have supported us, as well as those contributors who continue to help create a better world, of which one of them is this website.